Welcome to Sudbury Joggers

Whether you are an experienced runner, thinking of beginning or are an improver, we can make running a pleasant and more sociable experience for you. Sudbury Joggers main group meets at the Kingfisher Leisure Centre car park every Wednesday evening at 6.50pm for a run at 7.00pm. If you’re a new runner or an improver, then we have a Beginners session that starts at 6.30pm before the main run. Come and join us.

The friendliest, most supportive running club around. I’ve been a member since 2009 and have made so many fabulous friends. It’s a club that welcomes everyone, whatever their ability.

Dee St Ledger

Upcoming Events

Sudbury Fun Run 2025

April 18th @ 09:00 - 12:00

Sudbury Fun Run 2026

3rd April 2026 @ 09:00 - 12:00

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Welcome to the family of the Sudbury Joggers; We have dolphins, pyramids and a hot dogger; We run lots of miles with plenty of smiles; So come and join the fun, let’s go for a run! I’ll get my coat.

Jimmy Secker